right before the storm is to make sure that the public understands the severity, and told to evacuate in an orderly fashion. the worst thing to happen is that everybody hits the interstates at the same time. the thing that i really like that is happening right now on the east coast is that they are taking care of the senior citizens and taking care of the special needs and the medical patients first. all of that is going to help out to minimize the number of people who remain home, because right before the storm is one thing, but after the storm hits, that is when the real action starts. >> in your case, sir, nobody appeared to escape without criticism and you, yourself, were accused of being too late in ordering the mandatory evacuation, and in retrospect, and given, you know, you knew about the circumstances in which people were living in new orleans, and do you accept that just as fema underperformed, you underperformed as well? and you, too, had some failings? >> well, i would tell you this,