either slip and fall off or get into the power lines and get shocked and die. >> but kim, the cat, surprises everyone. >> on a monday, cameraman andrew brown heads out to cover the story. all day, phone lines had been buzzing in the newsroom. >> people were so upset about this cat being on this pole and them not being able to get it down. that i didn't know what to expect but i knew it was going to be kind of crazy. >> when andrew alives on the scene, a crowd formed. looking 30 feet up at one very confused cat. >> people heard about it. i came out this morning and i've been ever since. >> it's like, let's watch. >> the cat's been up there since saturday, 4:00 p.m. with no food, no water. as you can see, everybody is standing around. so, see how it turns out. >> live entertainment. >> also on the scene are kim's owner, amber fernandez, who's