and the people in this country are starving for real authentic people to lead the greatest country on the face of the earth in the times that are very difficult. this president has a hard time with that. >> do you have a hard time with the fact that your party left this country in wreckage with a hemorrhaging unemployment rate. there was booming unemployment. this president got in the bed when it was on fire. you don't point that out. you think you left this bed all made for him. everything was great when he walked in the door. we had a financial community going crazy. just say that to me. tell me he walked in the door to hell. just tell me that first. >> i don't think that that's any party or person blameless in any of this. >> you think he walked into a good situation you left him with? you're blaming him for everything and saying bush wasn't responsible. >> this president has a hard time following through on promises. he said the stimulus would create unemployment.