have a photo op of something with their mouth. >> here's one for you, mike. perry's spokesman did tell the "wall street journal" that perry's book is not meant to reflect the governor's current views on the issue of social security. he just released the book last year. what does this all mean? >> well, that's the problem. perry doesn't understand that he is not at a fair in texas anymore running for governor. eating funnel sxaks deep fried butter logs. and now he has to live with all the stupid talk we heard him say when he was running for governor in texas. where he could go to a county fair and he could talk to the people about stupid idiotic things that might sell in texas. but right now he can't talk to the american public and tell them, we should do away with medicare. we should do away with social security. we should do away with the 16th and is the 17th amendment to the