you've already given the whole country in a few moments a great deal of insight to know what it means to have been in his texas and working with him, what should we know about this governor, what is the bottom line on mr. no relation perry? >> the clips you played at the beginning of the broadcast tells you everything you need to know. this is a guy, when he's put under the spotlight, doesn't back up, he's always done that. when he's accused -- and he's still under the investigation of executing an innocent man, he disbanded the forensic science commission trying to find out if it was true or not. that was an audacious move. he's not above saying that the opponent he's running against is responsible for the deaths of police officers because he's operating a sanctuary city. the guy is responsible for audacious politics. these are serious times, that said, for those that are political junkies, it's time to get your popcorn out, he's going to be entertainment to watch. >> max strama, i appreciate it, keep representing them well.