you've been saying on the air for a long time, said we've got to invest in our infrastructure for the long run, a ten-year program like almost every other developed nation in the world has done to really do big things and leave our infrastructure in great shape for future generations, but having said that, we can take infrastructure and do things that would put people to work in the next four months. if we passed the bill on october 1st, we could have people working when the march construction season starts on roads and bridges. we have 70,000 structurally deficient bridges in this country, the states and local governments don't have enough money to work on all them, half of them, or a quarter of them. we could do it and the president, all he has to do, is put in something that he liked during the transition when 50 governors met with him in philadelphia on december 1st, 2008, and that's lose it -- use it or lose it. meaning you give the states a certain time to have work underway. if they don't have work underway, the money is taken away and given to states who do.