trust her. those comments on the debt ceiling, i think, ended any chance she had to make that leap. i think it's a very, she put herself in a very tough spot. >> so let's watch tim pawlenty take on michele bachmann and her record last night in that fox news debate we watching. let's listen. >> it's an undisputable fact that in congress her record of accomplishment and results is non-existent rcht when it came to health care i brought tens of thousands of americans to washington to fight the unconstitutional mandate. i didn't praise it. when it came to cap and trade i fought it with everything that was in me including i introduced the light bulb freedom of choice act. >> she's got a record of misstating and making false statements. if that's your view of effective leadership with results, please, stop, because you're killing us. >> you said the era-of-small government was over. that sounds a lot more like barack obama, if you asked me. >> well, jeff, there you have her, again, arguing bakly that