have won and the other three very close for the democrats. what do you think? >> well, hope is absolutely still alive. three is the magic number. and amazing credit goes out to the boots on the ground. the people of wisconsin who have really been knocking on doors and doing so much leg work. but i do want to say this. there's one of those three races i'm really looking at most from a national perspective and that is sandy pasch versus alberta darling. this has been ground zero in the national republican war on working families. not only scott walker's budget but paul ryan's plan to end medicare medicare. and sandy pasch, sandy pasch and alberta darling are in paul ryan's neck of the woods, right around milwaukee. so if sandy pasch wins this, that is a bad omen for paul ryan next year. >> let's go to district 18, though, adam. isn't this somewhat of a surprising showing by randy hopper? there were many people that thought that jessica king was going to be able to go away with that. and 87% we can report right now, 87% of the vote reporting, we've