knowledge that will help me find her. and never heard from him. >> did you sweep down and arrest him? >> no. >> reporter: why not? >> well, paige is still missing and there's pieces of the puzzle we have yet to find. >> both of her ex-husbands have ally byes police have checked out, but many in grand junction remain suspicious. after all, paige had supposedly been afraid of her ex-husband, rob dixon. remember what she wrote months before she vanished? my children would ask me if dad was going to kill me. >> the abuse was -- >> one of paige's friends this one is not in the mom's club. this is a woman named carol. she told us paige was also afraid of jones. worried because as a client he had taken too deep and interest in her. carol says that not long before she disappeared paige asked her to meet jones and -- >> lester jones told me that he had been good friends with rob