problem is that y'all are breaking promises and lying to grandma, you just live to long. you should have died at 57. >> let's talk about means testing which is part of the plan. this is something i hope we could agree on reverend al. if you're a millionaire, i don't think you should be getting checks from the federal government for social security or medicare. why can't we just come together and agree on that? that people who are millionaires shouldn't be getting social security. that's the type of entitlement reform we can agree on. but dem krts oppose that. >> you know what the problem with that is, steve? i may not even have a problem with what he is saying there, my problem is you don't want millionaires to get a check but you want them not to have to pay taxes at a rate that their secretaries pay. something strange about how you want millionaires to not get nothing here but get a bigger break there. any millionaire in the world would say keep your check, even