representing you on capitol hill, if there's no representation there should be no taxation. if you went and filed suit there'd be a jobs boom immediately. you'd have a bunch of people rushing to d.c. if you didn't have to pay federal taxes? >> any litigation like that is going to take years to be settled. more importantly than that, we want to be treated in the district of columbia just like other people in america. we have 600,000 people who live here. we raise $5.5 billion a year to support the services in the district of columbia. we contribute about 3.6, $3.7 billion to the federal government each year. we want to be able to approve our own budget, which we can't do now. the congress has approval authority. we want to approve our own local laws. we want democracy to come to the district of columbia in the same way it comes to ter 50 states. >> regardless of if it takes longer to manage it, if you're concerned about long-term job growth in the district doesn't it seem like that's the logical