vote. >> throughout america there isn't a name that stirs more love, more admiration, more respect, more wishing for our daughters to be like her than the name of congresswoman gabby giffords. thank you, gabby. >> aided by her husband, surrounded by friends, the congresswoman departed as quietly as she had arrived. leaving her colleagues, who had been bruised by months of political battles, sharing welcomed tears of joy. >> there's so many doubters but never doubt gabby giffords. this is the first of many votes she will cast. >> nothing could have done more to heal congress's wounded spirits than seeing gabby giffords back on the job, even for one vote. and today mark kelly and his fellow astronauts will be at the white house to be thanked and honored by the president. contes contessa? >> thank you. debbie waser man shuttle will talk at 11:00 a.m.