run a grand jewelry brand. >> we had on the show. >> they are so good at telling their story behind the brand. cob assumers have so many choices right now. they want to align with brands that they like that they share in the stories. whether it's on twitter sharing juicy details about the life of the designers that kind of thing really gets consumers excited about the brand and they feel like they're part of the team. >> right, i think there are a couple of things that she can do. she really needs to find a niche. she can't be all things to everyone. the other thing is stepping out as a personality behind the brand. that's what i had to do with my skin care line. there are so many skin care brands on the market. what i had to do is step out from behind the curtain and really brand myself with my company. i think that's what can differentuate you. >> you are outgoing, you like talking to people. it fits with who you are, a lot of people aren't and love their business and company, but don't want to be out there themselves.