ashamed to ai'm going to take that away. it's wrong. it's no appropriate given where we are today. so, you know, i just think standing up for what you believe and what you know this country values are. i'm amazed that the number of letters i'm getting right now. i put out that back in the black. >> yeah. >> deal, which cuts a lot of things. a lot of people write me and say, what you suggested will hurt me, but it's okay if it fixes the country. rime getting all sorts of letters from my constituents. ship a that say, how dare you? the vast majority understands we have to do that. >> at least i would say, senator, we'll leave it here, your proposal frames the magnitude of the conversation we need to have at a number closer to actually what has to be had. i really appreciate that. >> it does. thank you g. to talk to you, senator coburn. as the clock ticks towards the next vote, the boehner vote in the house, a step back and put it in context with our mega panel. and plus the murdoch dynasty on