in fact, today's developments were less calming and more chaotic. today, the top republican in the house, speaker john boehner, engaged in a pitch battle with his own caucus to get them on board with his debt ceiling plan. mr. boehnor was forced to delay a vote on that plan that was supposed to be held today, not only so he could rework it, also it was not clear he had enough votes on his own side to pass it. the speaker reportedly told members of the caucus today -- get your blank in line. i can't do this job unless you're behind me. at this stage in the game, that's the plan the republicans are going with? fall in line behind john boehner's plan to raise the debt ceiling for all of six months and then we can all have this fight all over again? now, the house is planning to vote on that bill tomorrow, but even if they pass it, it's not really expected to go anywhere.