parallel conversation about the debt ceiling -- excuse me, a parallel conversation about reducing the debt and the deficit, but congress should have to reauthorize and up the debt ceiling. did he take seriously enough what republicans were saying, which is, no, there's got to be a direct link here, and therefore, making it too late and pushing us to the brink? >> first of all, the president created the fiscal commission last year -- >> but he didn't accept their recommendations. >> but no republicans would vote for any piece of it on the commission, okay? so, he set that process in place. after that failed, he then began a process in the spring with the republican leadership. he put forward a -- brought the leaders in. vice president biden put a process together, congressman cantor, senator kyl, representatives, all the leaders. they went for two months. they dealt with serious discussions on cuts, real cuts. when they got to the revenue section, the republican leadership said, nope, we're out of here, sorry, that's the end of that. we'll deal with cuts -- or we won't even stay around for the discussion on revenue. and that's not a balanced way to