are going to go nuts, the overseas markets, asia in particular, or do you? >> i think there will be a reaction. i don't think it will be a crash like 1987, what we had with the flash crash a couple of years ago. i certainly do think there will be a reaction. keep in mind the market's kind of just been up and down for the last six months. and we had a 200-point rally the other day based on the notion that this deal was going to get done. so now the deal's not done. they're going to unwind at least that rally. so i think you're looking at maybe 200, 300 points. i just don't think it's going to be an epic, historic crash. >> okay. but isn't wall street unhappy with all this unsnernt they don't like uncertainty. >> it's the one thing they hate the most. even going into wars we've seen markets stall and stall and stall, and then when the bullets started flying, hey, at least we know what the rules are. and then markets start rallying. i think if you give wall street a set of rules that they can know how to deal with, even if they don't like it, they can deal with it. >> give me a sense of how the u.s. credit rating is going to be affected, both in the circumstance that we reach a debt limit ceiling and push it