30%. right now this is a spin war. it's clear the republicans were the ones who walked away. >> what are the expectations, though, there in washington in terms of how this plays out, how this is going to end? >> well, the one thing is pretty clear that the grand bargain, this very big deal, is the thinking that's dead. right now it all becomes about trying to raise the debt limit and how that gets done. it could be a couple of ways. one, the white house and congressional republicans could just almost agree to a type of just spending cuts only just to be able to get the debt ceiling raised through the 2012 elections. of course, there's also that mitch mcconnell-harry reid gambet to put all the debt ceiling power in the president's hands for him to be able to raise it by himself, so those are going to be the options at this morning's meeting. i can tell you that with wall street and everyone else looking, they're hoping for some progress this weekend. >> okay. mark murray, we'll have you back