cases. >> the decision to grant t-visas happens here. >> when an immigration officer receives a file like this, they can start with these pages and make a determination as to whether this human trafficking visa agent can stay in the united states or return to their country. >> this is an empowerment tool. we're helping them go forth and conquer their victimzation. >> this is the actual application. >> beth choiniere decides the fate of t-visa applicants. >> it's their lives, but we understand every person who applies is a victim of something. >> but going after t-visas is underyou utilized. out of the '5,000 t visas available last year, only 447 were granted. why? many victims fear federal agents. >> we're not going to deport you. you're not going to be arrested by us. you are a victim. we're going to -- our goal is to save you. >> as for laura, the man accused