in the united states ever. and it is expected to go on for weeks. so, yeah, this, what you're looking at here, these are scary scenes. however, you may be relieved to know the worst rumors the internet has coughed up, the worst rumors are really, really not true. a pakistani newspaper, for example, reported that the ft. calhoun plant had suffered a near meltdown and is now under a obama-imposed media blockout. that is not true. nor is it true ft. calhoun has become a no-fly zone because it is leaking radiation. ft. calhoun is not leaking radiation and as with all u.s. nuclear plants, its air space has been in a no-fly zone since 9/11. but the missouri river turning it into a giant photo op, officials asked the feds to remind pilots of the existing no-fly zone so news helicopters would stop violating that no-fly zone. but it's nothing new.