>> we can balance our budget the right way. and not on the backs of our seniors. if i have my way, and i hope i do, we will keep the promises that we made to our seniors who spent their entire lives paying into a medicare system so it will be there when they needed it. it is that simple. >> ezra, with no disrespect to your dissertation at the outset of this, because i did appreciate it, i think it will get lost on most voters, and instead, as i listen to that sound bight, it will get played in ten-second sound bites, as one party is for seniors, one party against and there is a freeze frame where nothing happen about entitlement reform until the 2012 race. what do you make of it? >> something will happen on entitlement reform. number one, we should presuppose, it did -- there are 500 billion cuts in the next ten years in medicare, there are very substantial cuts going forward about how to bring in more payment for quality as