dead but is weakening pretty rapidly now near seward coming into guthrie. you folks in gut rib, the bottom line, tornado warning but the circulation is weakening now southwest of guthrie. it still could produce tornadic activity, you see is centered here just to the northwest of seward, going to come into the west side of guthrie, it looks, east and south of cedar valley. yep. yep. yep. south and east of cedar valley, going to come into the west side of guthrie, the west side of guthrie, northwest of seward, right now. it is still -- still rapid circulation, looks like maybe a -- if it is on the ground, might be an ef 2 or so but it doesn't appear to be like that ef 4 we had earlier, but gut rib, you folks have got take your tornado precautions, still very, very serious for guthrie, you want to be in the closet or bathroom, this one he produced violent tornadoes, circulation northwest of seward and three