speaking to you in the distance we can hear the evening call to prayer which wraps up what has been the deadliest day in this country, since the attack that killed osama bin laden. but also since the start of this year, 2011. we have spoken to several senior government officials here who tell us their relationship with u.s. is under serious consideration right now, given the betrayal they have experienced recently. when it comes to today's attacks, these deadly gruesome attacks that we witnessed, it was a pair of suicide bombers that attacked which was a frequent target since 2007, frankly, the paramilitary troops and the army substations that exist throughout this country, they are the one on the front lines in the fight that pakistan has against al qaeda as well. the folks here say this just illustrates the sacrifices they have made in the war on terror, andrea, losing tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians since 9/11. >> and you've got john kerry,