the father of her four children, and remarried him. she has stayed out of the public spotlight. tonight she is giving this big speech, which i'm told is sold out. more than 2,000 people there, because they want to hear from her. a lot of people are trying to read the tea leaves, whether she is willing to engage in sort of the scrutiny that goes along with being a spouse of a presidential candidate. >> nor ah, mitch daniels has said it will come down to his wife. will it come down to her? >> i think it will. in a lot of these instances with people who run for president, the wife is extremely influential. colin powell did not run for president, and many people had said and alma powell indicated she was reluctant to have her xu"9uez for president. marsha barber, haley barbour's wife was horrified of her husband running for president. so in many ways, the spouse and the comments the spouse makes can give a lot of information about whether their husband is