bridge too far. so what the president's meeting can do is kick around ideas, maybe get democrats to think alike on this and some of it is purely the appearance of it. the steps towards trying to reach some resolution but it sure feels like it'sç a long w off. >> that's interesting. because we know that treasury secretary tim geithner said there was a deadline if you will, that needed to be in the forefront of this conversation and if they are kicking around the can, as you say, this is just a strategy meet, not negotiating, is anyone taking this deadline seriously? >> reporter: i do think in both parties they're taking it seriously. there are a range of deadlines. it seems the drop dead is early august now. initially may 16th was the deadline. we're into a critical window. both parties are saying debt limit has to be raised but how to agree to get there, that's where you have the big divide. democrats say they'll go with some spending cuts but nothing like republicans want and republicans are in a way using this opportunity to live