point of view that you can generate important information without using torture. all of our experience shows you generate better information, more accurate information when you treat prisoners humanity, when you befriend them, when you connect with them. those will defend the use of torture to the end of the day but -- i can't support that point of view. it undercuts what we stand for as americans. i remember senator mccain going to the senate year ago when senators were justifying use of torture because those are bad point. his point isn't it's about those people, it's about us. we are americans, we have higher standards, it's what our liberty and freedom is based on. we're strong enough to defend those values without stooping to the level that our enemies stoop to. >> senator mark udall, thank you for joining "news nation." >> thanks for having me on. waiting on jay carney to start his briefing for the day. but now to several new