got a call from a friend in government. turn on the tv, the president will make a statement. we were shocked. whether getting a phone call about getting new remains of my mom had been found or any other shocking type of news this is how things seem to go. this time we feel a bit of relief because finally we can rest assured knowing no other family will go through what we go through every day which is living with terrorism because of osama bin laden. >> do you feel you have closure, that this is the beginnings of closure? >> no. no. i don't think you ever get closure when you know someone has been murdered so brutally. my mom still wasn't there yesterday to celebrate my sister's birthday. she's grandmother. she doesn't know that. she hasn't been able to spend time with them. i can't say closure is a feeling we have. but a sense of relief because i actually co-found a group called global survivors network which is a group of terror victims