mission and target gadhafi individually, for the president politically? >> well, let's keep in mind that this is a moving target, literally and figuratively. the president's position has changed on this. first it was about regime change. then it was perhaps president gadhafi could stay in office. the president is trying to manage a very nuanced situation. then the question becomes, can the american people accept a president going into their living rooms saying you know what, this mission has changed yet once again. i'm not exactly sure they can stomach something like that pap main by because libya is not in our strategic national interest right now. >> do you think the american people can stomach something like that? >> i agree with robert. especially as we're watching what's unfolding in syria, which is a more direct security interest for the country. so le has to jug that will ball as well and make sure we don't come off looking like hypocrites. >> okay, good to see you both