we look at mississippi governor haley barbour and his let them eat cake attitude towards health care in their own state. despite the fact that 18% of his residents don't have health insurance, barbour told "the boston globe", "there's nobody in mississippi who does not have access to health care. one of the great problems in the conversation is the misimpression that if you don't have insurance, you don't get health care. a barbour aid later said everyone could get health care. that's clearly working wonders, since mississippi has one of the highest obesity rates, one of the highest diabetes rates, and the highest child mortality rate. he should hide in shame. this is a republican candidate for the republicans? that's a winning slogan. yes, we're the absolute worst! but, hey, if you get shot in the head, we'll let you see a doctor. you would also think that that horrible record on health care in his state would make barbour