to think of itself as being very good at what they do, they continue to brag about how they're constantly improving all of their technology. >> right. >> if another bp-style spill or sized spill happened today. would we see different types of technology being used to clean it up? would we not see the same lousy boom, for instancehat we all saw in the gulf being so ineffective within the past year? >> on the surface rachel, nothing has changed. it's the same old same old. the same boom, the same 40-year-old technology that was used with the exxon valdez back in '89. there had been some improvements in subsea containment, obviously with these new containment companies, that's untested. that has not been actually proven to work in a real situation. you have to remember that 80% of the oil, about 80% that flows from a subsea well never sees the surface, so that is the