circulate "wanted" posters of dr. tiller. it's believed this one went around just before he was shot, the first time in 1993. we're told that these "wanted" posters targeting doctors in north carolina started circulating there just before dr. tiller was murdered in 2009. one of the doctors featured in these posters told us he believed the poster was a call for his murder. we have another wanted style poster to report on tonight. no one has been able to provide abortion services in witchta since dr. tiller was murdered almost two years ago, but this woman is trying. she is training to become an abortion provider. she's looking for a new office in witchta. she has not actually started providing abortion services yet, but this poster targeting dr. mean's office manager has already been circulating in the neighborhood where this woman lives. it has a picture, a home phone number, and a home address for the officer manager. it instructs people to contact her and ask her to stop participating in the violent destruction of little baby boys and girls for a buck.