lot of republicans are sitting around looking at what paul ryan is doing and scared about the political implications of this. but the very fact that as the congresswoman said, this is not going to have the political support to pass. this is not a bill -- a proposal that is going to get through, both because of the senate, and i think actually in a lot of cases, because republicans in the house -- this is never going to become law. what paul ryan is doing here is setting out a marker, and he's setting out a very extreme marker hoping that, and planning that, i think, that you are going to end up someplace 50 -- half the way there. and if you set -- and the ultimate compromise that has to come out is going to come 50% of the way towards him. and if you set -- and the ultimate compromise that has to come out is going to come 50% of the way towards him. >> you're missing a step here. they're going to pass the first budget resolution, congresswoman. every republican will be asked to vote for that first budget resolution and he's the chairman of the committee. how do they avoid that up or down vote, congresswoman? i'm in politics now. don't the republican members of your congress of the house have to vote for the ryan plan to kill medicare? don't they have to do it in the