i think the president is an he wants congress to pull him in which is one of the problems he has in just about everything but i don't think we should have a government shutdown. i think the government should get everything they can get and save it for the election and take it to the people a year and a half from now. >> john boehner is being pulled now by freshman republicans. he's probably in the toughest position. would think john boehner agrees completely you shouldn't shut it down. he's got a membership that got elected on a very extreme cut the budget, cut spendinging, cut taxes platform and some of them believe that the only way to do this is close the government. but they'll get blamed for it. it's a mistake. >> when we shut the government down in 1995, they said, are you going to yell at the town hall meetings? it was standing ovations. >> paul ryan is expected to release his 2012 budget plan today and that budget would cut nearly $6 trillion from president obama's budget over ten years, significantly change