darth vaders. they try and talk about the union bosses -- look. our union bosses are police officers. the president of the fop is a full-time police officer in marion, ohio, so i think the public is seeing through this image they're trying to create for public workers and teachers and police officers and firefighters and a bunch of nonsense, all about politics and all about ruining the unions, getting rid of the unions and they think it's maybe a little bit of class warfare and i think the public sees through that. >> harold, how much money do you think you'll have to spend and how much money is the labor movement going to end up spending in ohio and in wisconsin? >> we are going to be investing very heavily, chuck. as you know, just at the federal level we spent over $2.7 million and the political arena. we will be investing very heavily in wisconsin as well as in ohio to move that referendum forward and to repeal those senators.