libya, nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard andle with the very late theft. richard? >> reporter: it continues to be a difficult period, mika, for the rebels. they are losing territory. they've been losing more territory this morning and gadhafi's troops are changing their tactics. they're not using as many tanks as they have been in recent days. it became clear to gadhafi's tank commanders that if they went out in those armored vehicles they could easily be identified and destroyed from the air by nato and the united states. instead, gadhafi's troops are using small units, jeeps, civilian vehicles and are going out through the desert, flanking the rebels, firing mortars on them and the rebels are simply retreating. it's not just a question of weapons, it's a question of training, discipline, and tactics at this stage. >> and richard, at this point, goodness gracious, if the rebels are armed and we have word now that prime minister cameron is echoing the president and not