statements. >> there's a lot of redundancies you can build in. some businesses have checks over a certain amount require two people to sign them. giving one person access to every account, sometimes can be challenging. give people access to certain accounts or bills they can pay. that way have you something built in where another approval is needed. everything that raises the bar on that kind of theft is a good thing. >> you did a story on a dog sledding company which we aired last week. what he said is he fell victim to this and now has five people go through anything financial. it goes through the manager and then the assistant manager and assistant accountant, accountant. is that overkill? do you suggest you need more than two people? >> it depends on the situation. even small businesses are vulnerable and i know they can't hire a lot of staff to look over everything. at least to have a second person, again, as was mentioned earlier, having bank statements mailed to the home rather than the office, to have surprise