koch brothers or anybody else. >> i just want you to know, we asked senator fitzgerald to come on the show again tonight. he's come on before. we asked in fact every republican wisconsin senator to come on the show tonight. every one of them declined to come on, seeming unwilling to come here and defend in a discussion with us what went on there last night. wisconsin democratic state senator jon erpenbach and the chairman of the wisconsin democratic party mike tate, thank you both very much for your time tonight. >> thanks, lawrence. >> thank you. coming up, the impact of governor scott walker's so-called budget repair bill. wisconsin high school science teacher nathan o'shaugnessy joins us. and one congressman breaks down as another continues to insist that the house needed to hold a hearing today on the radicalization of american muslims. [ male announcer ] unrestrained. unexpected. and unlike any hybrid you have ever known. ♪