which we laughed off. we had a guest who slipped and she hit her head so we had the fire departments and paramedics come as well. that was just during the ceremony and the reception. >> i heard the rain was incredible, like torrential with, what, 35-mile-per-hour winds. was there a point where you're thinking, hmm, is this an oman? >> well, you know, we just laughed about it because there was nothing we could do to change any of it. it rained 2.78 inches just on our wedding day. we had wind constantly blowing at 35 miles an hour. everything was completely out of our hands. one thing just happened after another so we kept laughing about it and laughing about it. >> where was this? >> it was bodega bay, california. >> in california. okay. so i understand that with all that, you guys decided, hey, let's wait until this unlucky streak is over before booking honeymoon. brian, right before the honeymoon, what happens? >> oh, no, we actually haven't gone on our honeymoon, so -- oh.