taken out of the house and it -- takes on a decidedly creepier tone. >> it does. but is there anything you can see as being an upshot from this? >> the one thing that we've learned as there are four children between the two of us is -- guaranteed win in your household is predictability and stability. take, for instance, your evening routine. you've got books, beddi, bath, u pull one out you've got an irritable kid who's grumpy and tired. take the magnitude of what this family is going through and it's elevated. you know, in reading lisa belkins' "motherload," she highlights this isn't the only family going through this. you have to think that b this, kids have fears, anxiety, they have real concerns about being in this household. so do you keep that stability going, or do you remove them from a potentially toxic parent? >> not i don't. it depends on how you're going to interpret that one. here's something i read about. a new study that says that