possible compromise? >> no, that's not true, lawrence. what's really going on is many of these democrat senators have been reaching out to my members trying to figure out a way to get out of the box they're in. they are unable, and there are as many as eight or nine trying to come back to wisconsin. they can't figure out how to get out of the box. labor won't let them come back, and quite honestly, even if they did come back, we're not sure exactly what the republicans would ever compromise on. i know we can't do it in the senate on the budget repair bill. so they're concerned about a couple of my members, but at this point it seems as many as eight or nine of the 14 are ready to come home. >> let's talk about senator dale schultz on your side, the republican. he represents the 17th district, which president obama won 61-38. john kerry won his district. he is the senator who everyone is indicating is the one who is