headlines just crossing, and w heard from nasa this was a case of human error. we'll be watching this closely as well. >> becky quick, you're a beauty lady today as cnbc. thank you for the breaking news. >> giant story. >> toyota recalling 2.17 vehicles. we'll get more information. >> had to do with floor mats is what they're saying now. >> the gas pedal staicking unde the floor mats. coming up next will looming feerlz of a government shutdown lead lawmaker to the dirty ten-letter word compromise? we'll talk to somebody who was there in the '90s, "the daily rundown" interview with tom daschle, live in our studio. meanwhile could oil really hit $200 a barrel? there's the growing unrest in the middle east is causing pain at the pump. we're going to look at just how high gas prices could go. remember this isn't the summer yet. first a look ahead at the

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