breathe. there was clearly no way out. we had no way out. i knew that immediately. i'm pregnant. there's a baby growing in me. it's somebody else's. what are we going to do? >> carolyn and shawn savage are here with me right now. that was an interview from a couple years ago. they are the authors of a new book "inconceivable." carolyn and shawn, thanks for stopping by. >> thanks for having us. >> so you had a healthy boy? >> yeah. >> tell me about that. >> well, he was born september 24th, 2009. his birth was a miracle just like any childbirth, any mom, dad who's been in that delivery room knows that moment is an absolute miracle. but shortly after, he left us to be placed in the arms of his genetic parents. >> now, what you had said two years ago was that you were looking forward -- that interview we just saw was from before you gave birth. and both of you had said the most difficult moment that you