chuck, it does say a lot about what to expect out of digital content and where we can expect some of these web properties headed down the road. it's got a lot of people talking about that. all of this adds up to so far, so good when it comes to the markets. >> i have to admit i'm scratching my head on the last one. i had no idea the huff fing the only post was worth the same amount as your average hockey franchise. >> aol could have bought the edmonton oilers, but instead they went this route. >> here is a quick question for you. you used a fancy word in the beginning of your last intro between the relationship. >> reproach mall. >> what is it? >> you don't like my french? >> no. i don't understand it. >> we'll leave it there. >> i'm serious. >> reproachment. diplomatic -- the french -- >> you taught me something today. i was listening. i wanted to let you know. >> fair enough.