happen over the next few minutes, few seconds, i frankly can't tell you. it's a developing situation. >> richard, that is constant gunfire we're hearing in the background. is that right down on the bridge? or off to the side? can you locate where that gunfire is taking place? >> reporter: the fire seems to be coming from the northeast of where we are right now, firing toward the south. but it is not firing, or does not seem to be firing into the crowds. we're not seeing people drop. we're not even seeing people scatter. we're also in an urban area, so it is difficult to determine exactly where the gunfire is coming from, as the shots will reverberate and the sounds will reverberate off the buildings. but they don't seem to be firing at people. but they are having sustained gunfire. >> also, with richard engel tonight, brian williams, nbc news nightly anchor, brian, from what you can tell, your vantage point.