chicago. we're pushing somewhere 19, 20 inches of snow at this time and, of course, everyone is looking at the record set back in 1967 which was 23 inches. they are talking about two feet of snow. who knows. we may get it yet because it's still coming down. >> also conedison in illinois says about 60,000 people don't have any electricity. kevin, thanks a lot for that. i wanted to mention a couple of things here. tulsa, oklahoma got 14 inches of snen a record for that city. the tulsa world said it would not be able to print the newspaper for the first time in its 6-year history. it was all electronic. the headline was "snowed in." we are getting an update from the red cross saying they have opened 73 shelters in nine states for people to go to who either don't have power or have been stranded in some other way. let's go to suburban, philadelphia. the weather channel scott williams is in king of preshia,