like the russian revolution and rougher forces will prevail. that's a disaster. >> this is a group of global citizens who understand that board better than some sitting at this table and even some who fashioned foreign policy for america in the '70s and '80s and '90s. this is a 21st revolution that a lot of the old rules we apply, not that it's bad analysis, maybe dated may not neatly apply. that doesn't mean at everything that tom has said is not true. this thing is moving so quickly -- >> let me get a break in here. we'll take a break and come back with robertson table. i want to talk about some of the other political news in washington that will dominate the debates ahead with republicans and the state of the union. more with our political roundtable after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] we all do it. but you don't have to. thanks to secret flawless renewal. with odor absorbing microcapsules