paul axalt, the senator of nevada, very close to marcos and said your time is really up. we will no longer support you, you've got to move. that was the breaking point with the philippines. whether it's dick durbin or someone else very close to president obama that he needs to consider sending that kind of personal envoy to mubarak to tell him what the stakes will be if he really cracks down on his people. i think we're at a crescendo moment which is very much like what happened in tiananmen and iran. it could break another direction. i think it's important for the president to get his back game right. there's one thing about the public game. what he's saying privately is far more significant. >> and steven, you're bringing up something that makes absolutely perfect sense, but do you see a threshold over which the situation in egypt will cross and at that point that is when dick durbin or somebody, as you suggest, close to the president goes to hosni mubarak and says, end game. that's where we are now?