that's one of the questions. what's going to happen? who's going to be put in place? with that unknown, markets do not like uncertainty, and that is exactly what we have here. they don't like it around election season. they don't like it around geopolitical instability, and that is what we have right now. i think if there was an answer, the markets could react accordingly. if something sfabl table is put place, things may calm down, but we don't know how long this is going to go on. obviously, which factions are going to take over. >> well, we will be watching with your help. from "fortune" magazine, lee gallagher. concern for americans in egypt. how might the u.s. be working to get them out of there. that is ahead on "msnbc saturday." moisturizing lotion. only aveeno has an active naturals triple oat and shea butter formula that soothes, nourishes and restores moisture. women saw improvement in all five symptoms of winter skin in just one day. beauty you can see and feel. that's being comfortable in your own skin.

Related Keywords

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