there were a lot of wtf moments throughout that speech. >> wtf. >> what? >> i'm just saying. >> oh, win the future. win the future. >> is she trying to be presidential? >> that was another one of those wtf moments, that as he so often repeated the sputnik moment. >> sputnik directly led to the collapse of the soviet union. let's talk about something that's even more troubling than that. >> but even sarah palin has a tea party challenger now who is commanding everyone's attention. >> michele bachmann in my opinion is no better than a poor man's sarah palin. >> dueling banjos. look who's challenging sarah palin as media darling. >> either her cue cards are in the wrong place or she's keeping an eye out for immigrants. i'm not sure. why does everyone in the tea party talk like a kindergarten teacher? it's crazy, right? good evening from new york. i'm lawrence o'donnell. today the tea party's threats to take over washington met reality. when only four republican senators agreed to sign up for the official senate tea party caucus.