night? >> yes and no. >> yes surprises, no sleep. >> from the national weather service everyone else predicted 6 to 8 inches for philadelphia. it was a little more than 15, and the bulk of it came late last night, 2 to 3 inches an hour. so it was double what was predicted, but ourl fo folks arl over it. i didn't get much sleep because we have work to do. as long as my workers are working, i have to work along with them. >> better luck on sleep tonight, and thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us. good luck today, mayor. >> i appreciate it. i know some folks are following us on twitter, and we're kicking out nervous on a regular basis. >> we'll economic your tweets. thank you. >> thank you. an alarming deficit report is highlights the tough choices ahead. are the sacred cows, social security, medicare now on the table?